What I have learnt....

written by hasya_rmshy On 9:23 AM

Title in English. But for now I want to write in Malay. Boleh kah? Write in English as I want to practice my English so than I am able to use it well when I teach. Practise makes perfect thus no matter what, I need to practice especially to choose the right words according to context.

Back to the topic, what I have learnt in life.. from my pupils.. everyone.. anything...

Firstly, in life, strive and struggle in anything. Strive and struggle to be a good muslim, strive and struggle to be good slave of Allah, strive and struggle to help others, strive and struggle to be a good teacher, strive and struggle to be a good mother, strive and struggle to be a good wife, strive and struggle to be a good daughter, strive and struggle to be a good sister, even strive and struggle to be a good employer, which means strive and struggle in everything. Why? Because it is necessary to be better everyday in anything. And it is not easy. It does sounds easy but its not easy to practice. Believe me its hard but efforts do count. And this lead me to, have I strive enough? Have I struggle enough?

Second, surrender to Allah. Believe in whatever the plans is. Believe that whatever happens, it is for something better. Believe that no matter what, Allah chooses what's best for me. Thus, redha, accept, surrender to Allah so then that events are meaningful and barakah. May Allah will always be there to guide me in life. May Allah will always be there to hear me. 

Then, isn't it obvious.. Efforts come before anything. 

I just have to remind myself about this.

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